Sunday, June 30, 2013


Sometimes I look out of the window and I see all the straights crawling past, giong to work, coming back from work, going to learn how to go to work, whatever. And I want to shout out 'hey! Listen to me! It isn't like that, it really isn't like that..' Onl I never do it. It's useless, They must wheigh about sixty thousand tons. I'm so far away from people like that, they can't even see me.
Do you want to know more? Listen, I'll tell you everything.
You can do anything you want. You don't believe me. You think, she's out of her head. Yeah, I'm out of my head- on being me. What are you on? On being them.
You don't even know. I bet you were never even given a chance, you know.
Remember when you we're little and they used to say 'Naughty girl, naughty boy.' Because you broke something or said the wrong thing? They told you, 'You are a BAD person.
But it wasn't like that,it was just you were doing a bad thing. It wasn't you who was bad. You're beautiful. You're wonderful and everything that you do is wonderful because it's you doing it. You're that strong. You can do it bad and know it bad or you can do it good and know it good but it doesn't Do anything to you. You're still you.
Listen. You can be anything you want to be. Be careful. It's a spell. It's magic. Listen to the words. You can be anything, you can do anything, you can be anything, you can do anything. Listen to the magic.
You Are anything.. everyone, anyone. Whatever you want.

Junk- Melvin Burgess